Version 0.2.0 (2014-09-25)

First “real” release, including additional tests and finally some PR contributions :) (Thanks James!)


  • Split install requirements into 3 files, which can be read either by pip or by the script.
    • requirements.txt is the usual file you install from
    • test-requirements.txt is a file intended for use when you are testing this repo.
    • dev-requirements.txt is the file you should install from if you are hacking in this repo.
  • Added a custom Clusto-Mode header to change how the JSON data is presented back:
    • compact mode: is the default for API calls that return a list of items back to the requestor.
    • expanded mode: is the default for API calls that return a single item back to the requestor
  • Added a by-names endpoint, it receives a list of parameters and will return back a list of items found